Rainforest Sounds
´Rainforest Sounds´
A symphony you have never heard before. Wind, water, weather and animals come together to create unique sounds and sensations for our guests. As a reserve mostly untouched by humans, the Pacaya Samiria is the perfect stage. In the Rainforest’s loud, and yet relaxing sounds, visitors will find nature in its purest form and greatness.
At night, the Amazon comes alive with a storm of unimaginable sounds that cannot be heard before the sun goes down. Animals hidden during the day will amaze our guests with their curious callings. Even more, the calm river and ruffling leaves are deeply enjoyed in the dim lighting.
The crickets, river, birds and fluttering leaves heard on tape cannot compare to being right in the center of the action; listening and feeling every sound and gush of wind. Discover the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of becoming a part of the Amazon Rainforest.