January 14, 2010
A Funny Story on a White Sandy Beach
I am going to tell you a story that happened to me in 2006 when we started to cruise the Amazon. It was early morning in a beautiful sunny day……
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January 11, 2010
A Close Encounter With An Anaconda
What an adventure, the Amazon amazes us every day! We were at Atun Poza, trying to find a place to start a morning hike. It is a bit difficult because this…
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December 16, 2009
Navidad en el Delfin
Este año, recibiremos las navidades navegando, generalmente no navegamos porque consideramos que estas fiestas son fiestas familiares y todos deberían estar en sus casas pero por una coyuntura especial y…
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November 16, 2009
Vote for the Amazon Rainforest
The third phase of the New7Wonders of Nature is now underway, and you can vote on your choice of seven natural wonders from the selection of 28 Official Finalist Candidates.…
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