Protecting Amazon River Dolphins: Prodelphinus and Delfin Cruise Collaboration

An Alliance for Conservation along the Amazon’s Mighty Waters by Mira Guerra Garcia Novak, Prodelphinus intern.

At Prodelphinus, we have established an agreement with Delfin Amazon Cruises with the objective of fostering a partnership between sustainable tourism and environmental conservation. Together, we have undertaken several projects aimed at improving the quality of life of river cetaceans in the region.

Thanks to this partnership with Delfin Amazon Cruises, we have been able to implement initiatives that promote the protection and well-being of river dolphins. These projects range from research and monitoring of dolphin populations to environmental education and raising awareness among visitors about the importance of conserving these animals and their habitat.

One of the strategies employed was to conduct in situ observations of the dolphins during the excursions organized by the cruise. This provided a unique opportunity to study their natural behavior in the wild, allowing researchers to collect valuable data on their distribution, social interactions and movement patterns.

Night boat trip in search of wildlife sightings captured by Kim Mangel.

In addition to direct observations, hydrophones were placed during the excursions to record the sounds emitted by the dolphins. These acoustic data provided additional information on the communication and acoustic ecology of dolphins in the Pacaya Samiria region.

As part of this collaboration, informative and educational talks were also held for both local communities and the tourist public visiting the Pacaya Samiria aboard the cruise. These talks provided a platform to share research findings and promote the conservation of dolphins and their habitat among residents and visitors.

Founder of Prodelphinus (Johana Alfaro) aboard the cruise, presenting about the local wildlife and conservation.

During the dolphin cruise excursions, we have been able to document and observe other species such as: sloths (Melursus ursinus), toucans (Ramphastidae), boas (Boa constrictor), yellow frog (Dendropsophus minutus), tarantulas (Theraphosidae) etc.

Different species observed in the amazon captured by Kim Mangel.